Manilla Anglican Parish is part of the Armidale Anglican Diocese and includes Manilla, Attunga, Somerton & Halls Creek.
We are committed to faithful, applied Bible teaching, which has at its heart, the good news of forgiveness of sins through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Whoever puts their trust in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Christmas Services for the whole family with the Manilla Anglican Parish - all welcome!
9am Sunday 22nd Dec MANILLA Christmas Service
11am Sunday 22nd Dec ATTUNGA Christmas Service
6:30pm Monday 23rd Dec HALLS CREEK Christmas Service
7pm Tuesday 24th Dec SOMERTON Christmas Eve Service
9am Wednesday 25th Dec MANILLA Christmas Day Service
7pm Sunday 22nd Dec at the Manilla Anglican church grounds. Live band on the back of the truck, children's talk and lots of carols! (If the weather is wet, we'll be in the church building).
Includes children's church (during School terms) which runs at same time as the service.
11am 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month (Includes children's reading and activities)
9am 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays of each month (joining online live from Manilla - includes children's reading)
Christmas and Easter services only. A great chance for the Somerton community to gather together to hear some good Bible teaching and catch up over a cuppa. Give Dave a call if you're interested.
Christmas and Easter services plus a service in June & September. A great chance for the Halls Creek community to gather together to hear some good Bible teaching and catch up over a cuppa. Give Dave a call if you're interested.
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